Information Has No Value Until It Is Clearly Communicated

We help our client adopt successful decisions and dodge the roads to nowhere. Try and error is good in a lab, where we simulate economic and organizational effects of a decision, but not in real life. In life, decisions are based on high-quality research method and analysis. Thus, our clients choose the elements of their strategy so that they can achieve the set goal with more certainty, faster or with minimum investment and operational costs. For this choice, we bring the best data and potential alternatives, assess their potential and determine options with the best ratio between benefits and requirements. We like to play with details for the benefit of our clients.

In Short: Research Based on Facts
Our Tools

|   Face to Face Interviewing (CAPI, TAPI, PAPI)

|   Telephone Interviewing (CATI)

|   On-line Interviewing (CAWI, CASI)

|   Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

|   In-Depth Interviews (IDI)

|   Mystery Shopping (MS)

|   Central Location Test (CLT/in-hall test)

|   In-Home Tests

|   Assisted Shopping (AS)

|   Eye Tracking (ETC)